Community Supported Agriculture

I am looking forward to spring and the warm weather, as a southern girl I am adapted to love hot muggy weather. One of my favorite things about the warmer weather is all the fresh local produce I get to cook and eat. I am a big fan of the All Local Farmers Market in my neighborhood and go just about every Saturday to get my milk, meat, eggs, and produce.

Last year I toyed with the idea of joining a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)and was overwhelmed by the choices in my area (that's actually a really good thing). In the end I ended up being too late to sign up. I vowed to not let this year slip me by and started my research on the CSA's in my area a few months ago. I have a couple requirements for my produce. First, It needs to come from someone who is a good steward of the land, so they need to be farming sustainably. I also usually gravitate towards organic/chemical free as I do not want to put chemicals in my body but more importantly in my 2 year old's body. Third, I have to be able to afford it.

After much web surfing and emailing I decided to go with Big Moon Farm in Leesville, SC. They are not an organic farm but I am told they only use "crop protection" if absolutely necessary and last year they used none. They do seem to practice sustainable agriculture according to their website. Plus, they are very affordable, for what amounts to around $25 a week I will get a big basket of fresh veggies and a dozen eggs (an option I added on). Think about it people that is really cheap!

I really don't think I could have gone wrong with any of the choices for CSA's in my area but Big Moon fit my bill of requirements right on. Plus, they are all connected up with a great little website and Facebook page. I am all about a technology savvy farmer! I hope to go visit the farm and will update if I get to do that.

Check out and find a CSA near you. Nothing does a community better than supporting your local businesses and that includes farmers.

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