Neuton electric lawnmower

We are the proud new owners of a new Neuton CE-6 electric lawn mower. Last weekend our city hosted a lawnmower exchange. For any old gasoline mower brought in by the first 115 people a discount of up to $200 was given towards a new Neuton mower. We got up bright and early and arrived about two hours before the exchange began and we were 10th in line. By the time the exchange began the parking lot could not hold any more vehicles so getting there early was essential to actually getting a mower. My husband the consummate tech geek was enthralled with this new purchase and got to using it right away. While he was quite skeptical when I first mentioned the swap, he is very happy with the new mower. With a kid size grin he exclaimed that “I really like it!” It seemed to work perfectly and didn’t stutter once on our uneven overgrown lawn.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome you were able to take advantage of the lawn mower exchange! I wish we had gotten there with our old clunker!
